The essence of doing a DIY wooden paddle board project is that you don't need to have a specific timeline. It would be just you simply enjoying the process and freely building your SUP at your own pace. What’s more cool about it is that it helps boost your creativity as you'll be able to custom-design your board.
Essentially, there’s a lot of FREEDOM which is what this builder loved about his journey to building his wonderful board. Read on to know more.

Board Model:
For this hollow core DIY wood paddle board project he used our San Marcos 11'4" paddle board plan.
Favorite part and most challenging part of the building process:
My favorite part was the process in general. Watching the board take shape after a few hours in the garage and seeing more and more progress. Also, the creative freedom when putting on the skin. The most challenging part for me was keeping the weight of the board down.
Lesson learned during the process:
Planing the board to the right width before putting them on. Helps with bending the wood to fit the curves and keeping weight to a minimum middle board. The only way really was to go with multiple clamps as I got on the outside and side of the board.
Go at your own pace and have fun in your DIY experience. Enjoy each step of the process and you will not only have a nice wooden paddleboard, but also an achievement you will be proud to show.
Are you working on your own paddle board project? We'd love to share your build and your story on our blog. Drop us a note at orders@jarvisboards.com , message us on Instagram, or fill out this form.
Ready to start your own paddle board build? There are a few ways to start. You can start with our digital or printed paddle board plans or with our pre-cut frame kits.