Whether you’re a pro or a beginner, everyone is bound to make mistakes every once in a while. DIY projects such as building a wooden paddle board require a great deal of patience and focus. If you have both, the journey is much smoother and even more fun!
Meet this builder from Perth, Australia, who has treated his mistakes as learning opportunities, resulting in a beautiful board!

Board Model:
For this hollow core DIY wood paddle board project he used our San Marcos 10'4" paddle board plan.
Favorite part and most challenging part of the building process:
My favorite part that is also the most challenging is the laying of the wood strips on the board.

Lesson learned during the process:
No mistake is irreparable. Mistakes are part of the experience and are learning opportunities.
If there's one piece of advice I could give? It's good to take a break from your project for a day or two to allow your ideas to settle.
Are you working on your own paddle board project? We'd love to share your build and your story on our blog. Drop us a note at orders@jarvisboards.com , message us on Instagram, or fill out this form.
Ready to start your own paddle board build? There are a few ways to start. You can start with our digital or printed paddle board plans or with our pre-cut frame kits.