How to install a paddle board fin
New to paddle boarding and not sure how to install your SUP fin? We are here to help. First time paddle boarders often have a bit of confusion about installing the center fin and how to position the SUP fin in the board.
First we will touch on how to install a paddle board fin before highlighting how to position the SUP fin
When installing the SUP fin the first time, it will likely be a bit snug when the board leaves our studio. Adding a bit of soapy water will help it slide into place more easily. While some fins have a multiple parts that need to be installed including the screw and fin plate, our boards feature FCS tooless fins making installing SUP fins easier than ever with no additional tools. To install the SUP fin, you’ll first turn the board upside down. Insert the front of the fin into the circle opening of the fin slot on the fin box. Once fully inserted, the fin can slide backwards and forwards along the track of the fin box. Once you found the position that you want for the fin. Gently push the back of the fin down until the back part of the fin “clicks” into the fin box. Thats it! The fin is now installed in your SUP and you are ready for the water. To remove your fin, you’ll follow the steps above in reverse gently tapping the rear of the fin to release it from the board so that you can slide the fin up and out of the fin box.
New paddlers often have confusion about how to position paddle board fins. Sliding your fin all the way forward will allow your board to feel a bit “looser” in the water making turning easier and playing inthe surf. Sliding the fin all the way back will make the board track straighter in a line and add a bit of stability to the feel of the board. Now you know how to position your SUP fin in your new board!