Summer season is finally here—so is a new builder spotlight!
Sharing with you a story of a cool dad who simultaneously built two paddle boards for his daughters. We can tell it was a fun and interesting project! Read on and meet the builder from British Columbia, Canada.

Board Model:
For this hollow core DIY wood paddle board project he used our San Marcos 11'4" paddle board plan.
Favorite part and most challenging part of the building process:
I’ve always enjoyed woodworking and this project allowed for an interesting shape. I used a Shaper Origin router to make the ribs and spine from the supplied CAD file which was an interesting and very precise way to make the parts.

Lesson learned during the process:
Don’t rush any one particular step. They’re all part of an enjoyable process. Learn as much as you can about each step and products used before setting off.
We love the awesome custom graphics and hats off for a board well done! Your daughters must be so proud and they surely will be so excited to go outside and enjoy the sun and water on their wood stand up paddleboards every summer!
Are you working on your own paddle board project? We'd love to share your build and your story on our blog. Drop us a note at support@jarvisboards.com or message us on Facebook.
Ready to start your own paddle board build? There are a few ways to start. You can start with our digital or printed paddle board plans or with our pre-cut frame kits. Also, we've got Pre-milled Paulownia wood strips or planks for your board skins.