Have you ever done a project that you can hardly forget because you enjoyed it so much? Well, this builder did and said he would certainly do it again.
In fact, we are amazed because we seldom meet builders from a different homeland. This is also what we pride ourselves on in this community, we can get to know builders of various nationalities, age, skill sets, etc. and we get to share their stories with you.
Read on and know more about this builder from Ussuriysk, Russia.
Board Model:
For this hollow core DIY wood paddle board project he used our San Marcos 11'4" paddle board plan.
Favorite part and most challenging part of the building process:
Everything was my favorite, however you need to be thorough. I didn't get the sense that it was that difficult because I liked every part of the process. The e-book was also very helpful in finishing the project.

Lesson learned during the process:
I learned that it requires a great deal of work. I also find this kind of project quite interesting and I would like to do more in the future.
Are you working on your own paddle board project? We'd love to share your build and your story on our blog. Drop us a note at support@jarvisboards.com, message us on Instagram, or fill out this form.
Ready to start your own paddle board build? There are a few ways to start. You can start with our digital or printed paddle board plans or with our pre-cut frame kits.