Oh the good ol' times! Surely building a surfboard in today’s time compared to 50 years ago is so much different, yet one thing remains the same, it's the rewarding feeling you get when you see your board come to life after days, months, or even years of hard work and dedication.
Take a quick read of this builder’s journey to building his own DIY wooden surfboard again after a very long time.
Board Model:
For this hollow core DIY wood paddle board project he used our San Jacinto 11'8" paddle board plan.
Favorite part and most challenging part of the building process:
Every part of the process from milling the wood to skinning the board and shaping and glassing was a lot of fun. Glassing and seeing the board come to life was my favorite part and it was also the most challenging. I built my first surfboard over fifty years ago. The epoxy resins of today are way better than what we were back then.

Lesson learned during the process:
Patience! Take your time and think through each phase of the build.
It’s a great looking board, Steven! We’re also lovin’ the mounted seat and custom Jordan Guitars graphics. Looking to add one to your paddle board? Custom graphics kits and wood paddle board plastics parts are available on our site.
Are you working on your own paddle board project? We'd love to share your build and your story on our blog. Drop us a note at support@jarvisboards.com or message us on Facebook.
Ready to start your own paddle board build? There are a few ways to start. You can start with our digital or printed paddle board plans or with our pre-cut frame kits. Also, we've got Pre-milled Paulownia wood strips or planks for your board skins.